The Economy is Weaker than Reported and the Implications that it May Have on your Investments

The Economy is Weaker than Reported, and the Implications that it May Have on your Investments

U.S. retail sales unexpectedly struggled in April, revealing a potential decrease in consumer spending, a crucial component of economic growth. The increase of $705.2 billion suggests possible consumer exhaustion after months of great expenditure; this slowdown raises concerns about the state of the economy.

Despite the Federal Reserve’s efforts to combat inflation through aggressive interest rate hikes, recent data suggests that consumer confidence is wavering. High interest rates, combined with high levels of household debt and diminished savings, all seem to be taking a toll on the consumer. The rise in credit card delinquencies indicates the financial stress many households face.

The difference between retail sales figures and economists’ predictions reveals underlying vulnerabilities in the economy that investors cannot afford to ignore. The debate concerning the forces behind recent sales gains adds complication to investment choices.

Interest payments on the nation’s growing debt have surpassed spending on Defense and Medicare, raising concerns about the U.S. In the first months of 2024, net interest spending has reached $515 billion. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget warns that rising debt will increase interest rates. Investors should be cautious and carefully discern how to handle their investments.

In the labor market, the number of jobs has been revised down by almost 700,000. While it is fairly normal for job data to occasionally be revised, many statistics show outcomes that are worse than their initial estimates. Most recently, job openings are now estimates to be 2 million lower than the initial figure at the beginning of the year.

Year over year, industrial production is below the level at the onset of 9 out of the 11 recessions since 1950.

"There have been times in my life that I've been awash in so many opportunities that I could have invested everything by nightfall, and then there's other times (like now) ... when we just haven't seen anything that makes sense, that moves the needle" 

- Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway's 2024 Annual Meeting) 

Investors are not being compensated for the multiple risks we see. 

All the factors described above - and others - will likely contribute to disappointing corporate profits (relative to consensus expectations) and lower stock market valuations. 

Recall that in the stagflationary periods of the past, gold tended to outperform financial assets. 

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