satan’s command - “Live Your Life By The Golden Rule”

“If you … witness courageously, the truth will miraculously win.” – Medjugorje June 2, 2015

"When you pray, pray first for the Holy Spirit because when you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything."        - 
Medjugorje April 4, 1985


How many people have you met who when you ask them about faith say something like:

 “I live my life by the golden rule.”

At first blush, who could argue with that? Think about the golden rule. Doesn't it even sound biblical?

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” 

No one talks like that today. Interesting that while whitewashing our bibles from truth on key topics such as fasting, we had to modernize the vernacular. B ut we never changed the vernacular around the golden rule? The classic wording gives the golden rule a gravitas making it seem inspired, even holy. To the casual observer, even the casual Christian, it seems benign.

The reality is that like everything from satan the golden rule is deceitful and a brilliant distraction. Consider the real golden rules, i.e. the ten commandments, and consider what Jesus said to focus on as the most important commandment.

The 10 commandments are written in the order of importance.

It is noteworthy and significant that the first three and therefore the most important three commandments all deal with our focus towards God.

The seven least important commandments God gave us deal with how we treat others.

So taking the name of Jesus in vain and working on the Sabbath are both ranked as worse offenses to God than murder. Have you ever murdered anyone? How about worked on a sabbath? We know what the world says is a worse offense … but God’s view?

Sounds ridiculous we know. Well then you take this up with God. He doesn’t care what we think – maybe He cares what you think?  You explain to God why He is thinking about this all wrong and be sure to let us know when you persuade Him to rethink the universe.

satan’s golden rule brilliantly takes the focus of our lives and our priorities away from God under the guise of being a godly rule when it is not. Jesus was asked what is the most important command and He supported this view answering point blank:

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. -  Matthew 22:37-38

Notice there is a period at the end of verse 37.

And notice there is another period at the end of verse 38.

These are complete thoughts from Jesus. Not throw away comments by an observer.

So, there should be a period at the end our reflection on the topic as well.

Putting God above all else is what is most important for us in life. Stop there. Nothing else at this juncture to reflect on until we have mastered that commandment. (But by the way, when we do this, think of how all of the other commandments fall into place.)

However reflect for a moment on how brilliantly the golden rule distracts believers from what is most important. We never get to God. Realize that like most satanic lies, living the golden rule leaves humanity ambushed, not even cognizant we have been dealt a devastating blow. Like Eve in the Garden of Eden we reach for something having been misled by evil into believing what we wanted to hear.  In the process we greatly offend God, and cut off protection and blessings.

So let us suggest that in this year, we make it our plan to focus entirely on the first three commandments and not offending God. Let the first three commandments be our consuming focus in our spiritual lives until we master them. This means:

First and foremost we will not have idols besides God. We won't compromise God for money.  We won’t compromise Him for any other aspiration. We’ll get rid of pagan god imagery such what Hollywood shows as chic buddha statues in homes.  Don’t give them away for someone else to be misled – smash these false idol statues into pieces and burn their paganimages.

Secondly we won't swear using the name Jesus. When we hear others do the same, ask His forgiveness, His mercy, and pray that His name may be restored with glory here in America. For filmmakers, actors, producers, directors and writers – whether you have realized the gravity of your actions or not, you need to stop showing example of using the Lord’s name in vain. Beyond repentance you have atoning to do for the bad example you have popularized. Atone for that sin by standing up and telling others not to memorialize this greatly offensive act in film or elsewhere even when you feel embarassed to do so. The angels waited for years to hear the power of His name revealed. It was an extrordinary moment in heavan.

Thirdly we won't work on the Sabbath or have others work on the Sabbath for us. This means we also won't shop on the Sabbath. Why? Because it is how the Bible tells us to live and we don’t want to offend him. Besides, this will be the funnest commandment for you to follow. Once you stop working and shopping on the Sabbath you are going to come to love living this restful commandment. Communists tried to make a nine-day work week but gave up concluding the body is designed to rest one day after each six days of work for peak performance. Yet another example of the side benefits that accrue from living the Commandments.

Scripture tells us remarkably that the God who created the heavens is jealous for our love. He both desires and expects that He will be first in our lives. When we make the effort to give Him that honor, heaven will notice. Expect blessings to flow your way.

Thank you for fasting with us today.  You'll be glad you made the effort for all of eternity.

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Why We Fast – Our Core Fasting Intentions

1) For the Holy Spirit to reign down upon America renewing our land as the Christian, capitalist meritocracy we were founded to be.

2) For the protection of our police, firefighters, military and their families from harm and that the Lord bless their courageous generosity on our behalf one hundredfold.

3) For the protection of the families who fast with us, and for God’s blessings of abundance upon them and that true to His word, we will be able to witness that He prospered us in famine.

Would you like to learn more about fasting?

We maintain a repository of ideas and information we have learned over the last decade while fasting weekly for America. From scientific studies on the benefits of fasting, to the differences between intermittent dieting vs intermittent fasting, to scriptural references regarding the power of fasting to the history of first century Christians who stated believers are obligated to fast weekly, we hope you will find numerous insights with our free resource located here.

Together let us also implore Heaven while fasting for intentions you have highlighted:

4) For Mike Lindell who is putting himself on the front lines suing over the election fraud that has taken place and for all of the warriors who are stepping up around the nation to fight for the gospel – May The Father cover them in the blood of our savior,  protect them and their families from evil and bring victory to their endeavors.

5) For priests, ministers and all who aspire to lead others to the Lord, that the Holy Spirit will reign down upon them as at Pentecost filling them to overflowing with an understanding of what the Lord wants, courage and the desire to preach what He would have them preach and protection and strength from all evil that comes against them. 

6) For the Americans jailed after January 6th who were admitted to the Capitol building by the police, and who were not found to have destroyed any property at the capitol yet who have been held captive ever since on our own soil - That God's Spirit will move quickly to bring justice back to this land by freeing them while enlightening Americans how to bring God's justice back to our nation.

Who We Are

St. Joseph Partners is a for-profit business that has funded Fast for America for over ten years. To the extent you support our work to renew America and if you understand why gold and silver protect believers' wealth in this world, please consider us or recommend us when you or someone you know buys or sells gold and silver. From our website you can buy and sell dozens of types of precious metals. We close on Sundays to honor the Sabbath. Click here for a link where you can view a brief video about our firm and a brief video about why all investors and families should have some gold and silver in their portfolios.

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