If you agree with us that the leadership of the Catholic bishops in America has been disastrous and many of the most prominent figures have been evil, join us as we pursue individual accountability of these men and the dissolution of the USCCB.

As we begin this endeavor, here is our initial letter to the Catholic Bishops of America:

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th St NE
Washington, DC 20017

April 4, 2023

To each Catholic bishop of the United States of America:

Your leadership has been disastrous and evil - but that was the plan all along of the satanic bishops in your midst who have dominated your leadership and direction.

Every quantifiable statistic that has any meaning to the vibrancy the church has imploded since the initiation of the USCCB in 1966.

The death spiral you have placed the church on has nothing to do with the times of the day as many other churches have exploded with growth and evangelized to millions. It is your leadership that has intentionally decimated our flock.

As your masks have slipped and satan’s plan to destroy the church, almost identical to his plan to destroy America, has become clear, you emerge as having been the cornerstone of satan’s attack.  it is apparent that a significant number of Catholic bishops are satanic worshipers inserted into the church like double agents in the ultimate war specifically for the purpose of destroying the faith. You are the personification of the wolves in sheep‘s clothing that Christ & Paul warned us about in scripture.  And as you have kept the flock away from scripture with your lies, believers proved your easy prey as Jesus said would occur ("You are [easily] deceived, because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. Matt. 22:29 HCSB). Just as satan deceived, Eve, Peter, Luther, Benedict, and countless others with his deceitful tales of love, your words have deceived many as to your true intentions. You make it clear why Jesus told us by your fruits rather than your lip service or your intellect or your website will we know the true spirit.

And while surely there are still Christians within the catholic episcopate, any well intentioned leadership has been weak and unacceptable. To any remaining bishops in the USCCB who are Christian and not satanic, you have stood by and done nothing while children have been abused, families pillaged and parishes destroyed. This all occurred before your eyes in the church that you supposedly gave your lives to defend. But this is Holy Week, when the tradition of betrayal by the church’s bishops made its first indelible mark upon history.

So where do we go from here?

To those of you bishops who have Christ as your savior as opposed to the bishops who have satan as a master, step forward and push for the immediate dissolution of the USCCB from your position on the inside of your corrupt organization.  The church's own teachings and history call out for the dissolution of the USCCB as the ancient laws of subsidiarity condemn a bureaucratic organization from interfering with the Spirit's leadership of a local church. Meanwhile we will try legal means to kill the USCCB from the outside.  We will also encourage each believer to cease donating any money to any catholic organization that forwards any of its receipts to any diocese or hierarchical cause. We remind believers of the writings of first century Christians to hold one’s tithe until it sweats in our palm before releasing funds to a cause that is inappropriate. To any Christian bishops within the USCCB it is our intention to prosecute your peers whose behavior has been so vile and to hold them accountable to the fullest extent possible. 

Dismiss any thoughts you may have about transforming the USCCB into anything worth salvaging. As Jesus clearly instructed us:

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire… by their fruits you will know them. - Matt 7 19-20

To the Christian bishops within the USCCB, you have much to atone for. We ask the Christian bishops to begin fasting six days a week as the exorcists do: 24 hours each Wednesday and Friday on bread and water as we are obliged and two of the three meals each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on bread and water.  You have a narrow window to redeem your cowardly and shameful negligence. This devastation has happened under your watch. You know the satanic bishops in the USCCB will do nothing to right their wrongs. These satanic agents who direct the USCCB  will reject reason, and they will continue to make each decision with the intent of running the church into the ground. Therefore we must deal with the satanic leadership that dominates the USCCB in power, calling on the name of Jesus as we fast to destroy the satanic bishops and their every plan.

To you bishops who are still Christian, to all Catholics and to our dear protestant brothers and sisters whose prayers we implore as we set out to restore the Catholic Church, let us pray together:

Dear Yahweh, Abba, Father - take pity on Your ravaged flock and swiftly bring to an end to the satanic presence in the church. Father as we fast we pray bring an end to the lives of the clergy and church representatives who lie, deceive and destroy just as you swiftly ended the era of Ananias and Sapphira at Peter's words in the Acts of the Apostles - Promptly and permanently Father so that we may finally begin with the rescue of Your children and once again lead souls to salvation in our savior, Your dear Son, Jesus. 

In Jesus' holy name we pray. Amen.

Drew Mason
St. Joseph Partners

If you wish to stand alongside us, as we seek justice for the children and families, impacted by these evil men and to restore the church, join us. 

Submit your contact information below. You will have to verify your information so that we know each name on our list is real. We ask for email and mobile information as we anticipate blockages in communicating.  We will update you with our progress. In the interim, thank you for fasting with us for the restoration of our church. Fasting is, as our Savior explicitly told us in the uncompromised texts, the only way to defeat evil when it is strong as it is today.

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