December 2022


King Jesus Offers "The Unspeakable" Christmas Gift

Today is the last fast of this Advent season and for all of 2022. Given how special Christmas is, the Christmas and Easter Octaves are the two weeks each year where we do not fast for the Lord –


Struck By Lightening & Back From Hell

Thank you so much for fasting with us. Our Lord who has done everything possible for us longs to hear from us during this wonderful advent season.


A Single Mom Savors Her Pillow Talk With Heaven

We only have a few occasions left to fast before Christmas, only a few occasions to so powerfully impact history, bludgeon evil, bring unique protection upon our families and to help our country


The Baptist Makes His Appearance

Sunday’s Advent scripture reading brought us once again to the powerful figure of John the Baptist, the faster among fasters.


The Power of Belief

Today the most studied gospel passage in the world were these three brief lines:


The Centurion & Us

If your day was like ours, today was largely an exercise in frustration, including sending this reminder out with embarrassing lateness…

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